The train roared through the pristine New Jersey countryside (yep). We were on our way to Metuchen - my second time to the illustrious Casa di Carberry. Pretty sweet deal - friends, fun, and food - and that deal became all the sweeter when Mrs. Achey introduced me to her wickedly delicious sangria.
The recipe being saved from complete destruction by pure luck and curiosity, it was all the better savoring it, knowing that it could have been lost, that Mrs. Achey might have had to double spike the whip cream to get everyone as happy as she did. Luck, yes. Luck in liquid form.
Things quickly became funnier. I would never say that I got drunk, but it was the most alcohol I've ingested since my last run-in with the clear liquors which, believe me, did not go as planned. This time, though, with a little moderation and plenty of Ms. Carberry's wonderful treats around to keep the stomach full and the face happy, things went smoothly, and I enjoyed that little bit of loss, of hilarity.
There is a "Greatest of" list waiting to be compiled. There are also many hours of sleep gone forever, but I won't miss them. I was laughing so hard and so much my teeth started cutting through my cheeks. That's nice.
On a completely different note, the first read-through of the manuscript is finally over and Adam was right, "It could have been worse." It still wasn't good, but I've decided that there is just enough potential in it, and in the things to come, that I will continue to push forward with it. It's a massive project, and I don't really know what realistic time projections will look like. I've got a timeline in my head, but I don't know how loaded my summer will be - and I won't until I'm in it. A lot depends on how quickly I can start creating again - that is, after I go through the rough draft and totally scrap all the X-ed out words, paragraphs, pages of material that was just so bad as to make me want to stab my hands for writing it. But, that's the nature of the beast, I guess.
And summer - that's a good front. Things are really moving forward, or so I'm told. :) My voluntary LOA from Facebook has basically meant that all the housing plans have been moving forward without any sort of involvement on my part. And this is fine by me, at least for now, and I really appreciate Cathy's help with all of that. I'll be back in the game soon, and then I can start doing something a little more in the way of, you know, "helping."
Got a request from Melville House Publishing for an interview, but I don't think I'm going to do it. The position is unpaid, at a slightly smaller house than Arcade, and is in a remote part of Brooklyn that looks like it might prove difficult to access by subway. Plus I'm lazy and reluctant to enter the corporate world without someone to try to peg me as functionally illiterate. So, there ya go.
Life's pretty good. I'm looking forward to a break from school and warm weather, but I am in constant awe that this semester is so quickly moving past. I know that it will be summer in no time. And with it, new frontiers.
Weather: Surprisingly mild. I know I saw Jupiter tonight, so I'd say it's pretty clear, although I don't know if that's holding. Sunny day. Hard for me to distinguish it from other days. I missed about half of it. But I caught the very beginning as it floated in on bird song.
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