Saturday, December 26, 2009

Riding around in my automobile, my baby beside me at the wheel. Four big, muddy hogs somehow got in the car too, but they're just jamming out to some tuneskies.

Monday, December 21, 2009

I feel like eating for sport.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

When you eat

food, which is fuel, and your body breaks it down into manageable packets of energy, and then goes through that energy which is expelled as heat and picked up elsewhere, it's a beautiful thing, as if at every moment the universe were breathing with us and with everything.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


How beautiful is this life?! I want to drink it all up!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Is it such a bad thing to want so much? I'm kind of a materialistic bastard. I truly don't need much of anything to make me happy, but I suppose that I do need things to keep me active and driven. And maybe staying active and driven is one of the few things I need to make me happy. Make sense? Btw, second blog post by text. Wizzah!

Hey there

This past summer, while I was riding in the backseat of my dad's truck on the way home from a family reunion at Toledo Bend Reservoir, I had what can only be described as an epiphany.

For three years and more I've been floating, never really sure of what I wanted to do. I was (and am) an English major, but it always felt like a placeholder, just something there to tide me over and make sure that I graduated from college with something on my diploma. But there was something else. I chose English because I wanted to be able to explore all my options--it is one of the smallest college majors offered at Columbia. Perfect!

Well, I went down various paths, but always turned around disappointed. There just wasn't anything that I was ready to throw myself into heart and soul. Heart and soul has always been a prerequisite, you see.

That was until this crazy moment of mine this past summer. Suddenly, everything in my life made perfect sense and I knew exactly what I wanted (what I needed!) to do. Medicine. Surgery. Direct impact, high stakes, doable for people of real ability. Just like that, questions that had lingered with me for years like a stale odor dissipated, paired with perfect answers. Wow - how crazy! How exciting!

And since then, I've known. Now I'm nearly halfway through with cramming all of my med school requirements into one year's time. It's just the tip, but it's already taking some heart and soul. And I am glad as hell to give it over.

First text post! Am I high tech or what, biatch?!

It's a Tradition

When final exams roll around and my will to work dwindles to near-nothing, here I am, posting nonsense to blogger. Lord help me.

I have so much damn work to do.

Google Chrome

Google has only just released the beta version of Chrome for Mac, and I'm going to give it a thumbs-up so far. I definitely would put it over Safari as far as ease of use and speed. I think Firefox may still be best overall -- mainly because of some really neat third-party applications you can put to use -- but I doubt that Chrome is far behind on making that sort of thing more accessible to its users. So simple. Try it out if you haven't!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sometimes it's cool

to think that I attend an institution that was established twenty-two years before the United States of America became a thing.

Got an FML published, but kinda faked it

Do I feel what I did was wrong? Absolutely not.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The end of Spring Break...

...and the return of waking up at a "reasonable" hour. I don't happen to know yet if I think that 7 am is reasonable or not, but here I am.

Friday, March 13, 2009

You can call me...

If I had a name like "Dances with Wolves," it would probably be either "Slow-Witted Sack of Fecal Matter" or "Wastes Time All the Time." Whoops. Still, it would depend on who you asked and how much they knew about my horrible procrastination.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009

LSAT, Take 3

Well, I took it again today. I clocked in with a 163. For my purposes, that means that I have a decent score, but one that probably isn't high enough to get into one of the top law schools. That's not the end of the world. I don't even know if I want to go to law school. I'm still puzzling through it. But, that's that. The next time I'll be heading to an LSAT will be June something, so I'll just do what I can until then.

(By the way, my scoring history with proctored exams has been 161, 158, and 163. So I don't really seem to be moving. Bleh.)

When I visit my girlfriend's grandparents house, I always get a little homesick.

I know she gets the same way. We're both from Mississippi, and we both wanted a big change for college. We both got it.

When we go for a visit to her grandparent's house, it's always provides ample opportunity for me (and for my girlfriend) to think about what is at home.

And that's when I know for sure that it took getting away from home to really appreciate it. Because now I do.

One more try

In eleven hours, I'll be taking an LSAT practice test for the third time. My previous two times were separated by about 3 months during which I did a little practicing on my own. My score did not improve. Tomorrow is really the last chance to either inspire me to keep working toward a higher score desperately before June or to just be satisfied with the score I'm going to get. I actually wouldn't mind it. I don't know if I need all the pressure of one of the crazy schools. Then again, I do kind of get off on it. It's a big quagmire.

Long story - Condensed! If I get roughly the same score (like, if it doesn't go up something like 5-7 points), I'm going to need to do some really crazy re-thinking/reassessing of my post-grad path.

I need to make a list of alternative careers. Writing-centered ones.

Wish I were diving


Bailout shmailout! What this country needs is...

a National Nudity Week. Preferably in the summertime.